"Meredith collaborates with her fellow teachers and aligns the drama curriculum to support the academic curriculum. For example, Meredith and I worked together on a six-week immigration unit for my fourth grade class. She used her creativity and imagination to provide the children a unique immigration experience. Meredith created a program to simulate what it may have been like for many of the immigrants to arrive at Ellis Island. She developed different stations that immigrants would have had to pass through before being allowed to enter the country, and recruited her director, the assistant principal and fellow teachers to play the roles of the station officers. Her efforts led to a greatly enhanced immigration unit that the students will never forget. "
-Maureen J. (Grade 4 teacher)
“Our students have more tools at their disposal now for dealing with bullies and stopping bullying from happening. More importantly, they now believe that they can change a bullying situation and that standing up to a bully is not as scary or overwhelming as it might at first seem.”
“The students really enjoyed the hot seat activity. Their comments were insightful, creative and demonstrated a deep understanding of the many layers of a bullying situation.”
“The students were able to get inside the heads of the characters in a bullying situation and understand the motivations and possible outcomes of all the people involved.”
-Teaching Staff (Bush Hill Elementary School)